Configuration Files

CrossVA runs by applying the specified mappings in its configuration files to the raw data provided. The package comes with some default configurations which map common inputs to common outputs, but it is possible to create your own customized version.

These files must have the following columns:

  • New Column Name
  • New Column Documentation
  • Source Column ID
  • Source Column Documentation
  • Relationship
  • Condition
  • Prerequisite

Of those, only New Column Name, Source Column ID, Relationship, and Condition must be filled out in every row.

Each row in the configuration mapping gives instructions to map information from a single column in the raw input data to a new column in the final transformed data.

Each row can be read as roughly: The new column New Column Name will get the value True in rows where the column Source Column ID in the input data is Relationship to Condition, and, optionally, the Prerequisite column in the output data is also True.

When the input data is NA, the NAs will be preserved through the transformation. That is, no matter the Relationship and Condition, if the value in the source column is NA, then the result will be NA, instead of a boolean.


If the same column name has multiple conditions specified, then each operation will only update the pre-existing column. False and NA values in the transformed data will be overwritten if a prior condition was false, but a new condition was true.

This creates an implicit OR relationship between the different conditions listed.

Structure of Mapping Configuration table

New Column Name New Column Documentation Source Column ID Source Column Documentation Relationship Condition Prerequisite
DEL_ELSE Did she give birth elsewhere, e.g. on the way to a facility? Id10337 (Id10337) Where did she give birth? eq other  
DEL_ELSE Did she give birth elsewhere, e.g. on the way to a facility? Id10337 (Id10337) Where did she give birth? eq on_route_to_hospital_or_facility  
  • The first row indicates that where the column ‘Id10337’ is equal to other in the input data, then ‘DEL_ELSE’ is true in the output data.
  • The first row indicates that where the column ‘Id10337’ is equal to ‘on_route_to_hospital_or_facility’ in the input data, then DEL_ELSE is true in the output data.

In this sense, if ‘Id10337’ is ‘on_route_to_hospital_or_facility’, ‘DEL_ELSE’ will be set to False on the first condition, and then updated to True on the second condition. However, if ‘Id10337’ is other, then ‘DEL_ELSE’ will be set to True on the first condition, and remain True (not updated) on the second condition, regardless of the value in the input data, since a condition for the new column has already been satisfied.

New Column Name

The New Column Name column should contain the name of the new column to be created in the final data. All of the columns required by the intended algorithm should be listed, with corresponding documentation in the New Column Documentation column if possible.

New Column Documentation

The New Column Documentation column should contain a brief statement explaining what the new column is meant to represent.

Source Column ID

The Source Column ID column should contain the unique identifier at the end of the column name in the input data. It should only be left blank in cases where the New Column being created (and required by the intended algorithm) depends on information that is unavailable in the source data, and thus there is no relevant source column.

Source Column Documentation

The Source Column Documentation column should contain a brief statement explaining what information the source column contains. This, along with the New Column Documentation column, makes it much easier to at-a-glance check the logic behind these mappings.


The Relationship column should contain one of 8 valid relationships, which use the value in the Condition column to return a boolean value for the output data. The currently supported relationships are:

  • eq: is equal to
  • gt: is greater than
  • ge: is greater than or equal to
  • lt: is less than
  • le: is less than or equal to
  • ne: is not equal to
  • contains: contains the substring
  • between: is between 2 numbers, inclusive


The Condition column should contain the condition being applied to the source column. For example, yes, 5 or 15 to 30.


Conditions in the form ## to ## should only be used when the relationship is between, in order to give the two numbers that make up the low and high end of the acceptable range.


The Prerequisite column is optional. It should be left blank if there is no prerequisite. If there is a prerequisite condition, then this column should contain the name of the column in the final data to reference.

For example, the new column MAGEGP1 is created based on the condition of if the source column ageInYears is between 12 to 19. It also lists a prerequisite of FEMALE, which is a previously created column in the output data, containing its own boolean, which checks to see if Id10019 is equal to “female”.